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Welcome to my blog, where I'll be sharing my experiences of travelling to theme parks both in the UK and abroad as an (often) solo female enthusiast! 

About Me

Hi, I'm Kirsten, a theme park and attractions enthusiast with an irritating desire to tell everyone I meet how important the proper maintenance of archives is to themed attractions the world over!


​If I'm not wearing my trusty Theme Park Trousers (give me all the zippable pockets), you'll find me at parks in mom jeans, because they're comfy and easy to wear.   Maybe that's why my blog is called Coaster in Mom Jeans.  Or maybe, like the Internet wonders how a dog would wear pants, it's because I've sometimes wondered how a coaster would wear mom jeans if it wore them (one pair on the back of the train, or a pair on each carriage?)  Maybe it's both. 

Favourite coaster: A tie between Taron, Phantasialand, Toutatis, Parc Asterix, and Hakugei, Nagashima Spaland

Most hated coaster: Colossus at Thorpe Park


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